
Strategy For The Vaccination Mandate To Keep The 49% From Quitting

Uncertainty Abounds We don’t have the OSHA temporary order yet, or even know what it says. We’re not certain how they’ll count workers, what they’ll do about businesses with workforce counts that fluctuate seasonally, remote workers, exemptions, enforcement, businesses with multiple EINs, unionized workforces with collective bargaining agreements, how testing will be administered and who […]

Strategy Determines Breakfast

There’s a saying out there attributed to Peter Drucker, the famous management guru: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. It’s understandable that business leaders might think this. After all, they put a lot of resources into crafting a strategy for success only to see it fail due to lack of alignment in the organization. But we’ve […]

Welcome to GoDx, Inc.

We are very excited to welcome GoDx, Inc. as our newest ThinkWay client! GoDx develops and provides rapid, low-cost point of care medical diagnostic devices that save lives. Thank you, GoDx, for choosing us to help you develop your strategy to grow and prosper.

Welcome to Great Kids, Inc.

We are very excited to welcome Great Kids, Inc. as our newest ThinkWay client! Great Kids provides exceptional early childhood and home based programs for families with children 0-5 years. Thank you, Great Kids, for choosing us to help you develop your strategy to grow and prosper.

Strategy: The Only Way To Succeed In Business

    If you ever thought you could run your business “in the moment” and everything would be just fine, you’ve probably started wondering about that approach. Most businesses, 96% to cite the data, fail in the first 10 years. If you think that being a large business makes you safer, note that 70% of […]

The First Step In Alignment To Strategy

A great many business strategies end up having little impact. It’s largely because the number one problem faced by CEOs is alignment, getting everyone on the same page. Using a traditional approach to strategy, alignment is hard to get. Consequently, goals are missed and all the time, effort and resources spent developing the strategy in […]

Donuts & A Simple Definition Of Strategy

Is strategy about choosing to be different? Is it being the low-cost provider in the market? What about competitive advantage? How about a framework for making decisions? Marketing? Acquisitions? Adapting? Agility?   Put “definition of strategy” in your search bar and you’ll get over 2.7 billion results. Read 1 billion of them and you’ll still […]

Strategy & Managing the Monkey

In the classic HBR article, Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey, the authors say this: “Subordinate-imposed time begins the moment a monkey successfully leaps from the back of a subordinate to the back of his or her superior…” That happens all the time and most bosses LET it happen. They let their subordinates walk up […]

How to Get Unprecedented Alignment

Check out these two alignment scenarios. Scenario 1: Jake was excited when things started. He was leading a major strategic initiative that was launched and backed by the senior executives and importantly, the CEO. He was chosen because of his obvious capabilities, extensive knowledge of the business, and his outstanding performance as a high potential […]

Saving Livelihoods: Using Strategy Sprints to Restart & Revive Business

The Time Is Now Many businesses are facing an existential threat. For some, It’s already too late. Economic advisors are warning the reboot needs to start now because all indications are that waiting too long will plummet the country into an unprecedented depression. The Need Is Urgent Leaders need to rethink many aspects of how […]

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