
It’s Mid-Year. Are You Putting In The Time?

Are You Putting In The Time?

Too Busy for Strategy

Is there anyone who gets in their car and starts driving without figuring out where they want to go first? Or how they’re going to get there? Anyone? Bueller?   Not likely. Reportedly a billion people in 220 countries use Google Maps every month.   So, why do some people give me the excuse that […]

Bold as a Lion

In 2012, a Pakistani nature photographer, Atif Saeed, stepped out of his vehicle into the lion habitat of a safari park in Lahore to capture “the character and status of lion”. The picture he took in the instant before the lion attacked is an unparalleled achievement. It’s magnificent.   Great achievements in business, like award […]

One Simple Farming Strategy to Align Marketing & Sales

The Analogy Marketing is planting and raising the crops. Sales is harvesting the crops and cashing in. It’s that simple. So why do businesses have so much trouble understanding they need both working together?   Because successful farming is very difficult.   The basics of farming include field selection, preparing the soil, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, […]

2x1 results w process charts

ThinkWay Classic: Hidden Flawed Assumptions in Restructuring

It plays out in companies across the globe. Once successful brands and products are no longer as competitive or relevant and it’s become a struggle to maintain the business. Try as they might, they haven’t been able to introduce new products that will get the company growing and satisfy investors again. So, CEOs turn to […]

How To Address Strategic Issues That Can Derail Your Efforts

All organizations will face strategic issues that can foil the best of plans. For example, the NFIB January Small Business Economic Trends Report indicates inflation remains a top concern and nearly 40% of small business owners report job openings they can’t fill. Additionally, Accenture’s Pulse of Change Index shows technology as the number one business […]

Real Time Strategy – Small Businesses Can Learn from Cargo Vessels

In 2021, the cargo ship Ever Given got stuck in the Suez Canal when high winds and low visibility caused it to ram into the side of the waterway. I took 6 days to get it free.   Cargo ships have become enormous. Many are “as long as the Empire State Building is tall” and […]


One-And-Done Strategy and Other Fallacies

There are three common notions of strategy. All of them are fallacies.   Notion (nō’shen) noun: A belief or opinion; a mental image, an idea or conception.   1. Strategy is Episodic For many small businesses, strategy only takes place episodically. Times get stressful. Business models and value propositions are not forever.  Finally, a strategy is […]

Strategy Means Focus

When you’re trying to grow your business it’s very tempting to look at every new opportunity that comes your way. You know, shiny object syndrome. But one hallmark of good strategy is focus. And it takes discipline to stay focused. It’s a lesson I learned when I was a kid on the farm.   Back […]

A Cheesy Example of Strategy at the Speed of Thought

Imagine your brand of specialty cheese going into a tailspin. You need results now. Traditional strategy methods take weeks or months. By that time, your brand will be toast (to mix my food metaphors). Time for strategy at the speed of thought. Clients that are experienced in developing strategies in this way can literally develop […]

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